Sonntag, 19.01.2025 03:16 Uhr

Laila Michelle Cabret-Herrera elected Missblumare 2023

Verantwortlicher Autor: Maurizio Monge Milano, 17.11.2023, 13:44 Uhr
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The participating Misses
The participating Misses  Bild: Maurizio Monge

Milano [ENA] The fifteenth edition of the Missblumare beauty event ended a few days ago, on board the MSC Fantasia cruise ship, with the proclamation of the winner, the beautiful Laila Michelle Cabret-Herrera, representing the Veneto Region. The event was the final act of a season 2023

The competition saw hundreds of competitors parade on catwalks throughout Italy in more than 250 local stages. Selection events took place in all Italian regions from March to September, culminating in the regional finals which allowed the 55 Miss national finalists to be elected. The finalists met on Wednesday 25 October at the port of Genoa to board the MSC Fantasia for a week of cruise.

The cruise week touched the ports of Marseille, Valencia, Barcelona, 5 Terre and ended in Naples on November 1st. During the 7 days of sailing, the Misses were followed and guided by professionals from the fashion and entertainment sector: an intense training program for their poise and preparation for the final show. The hosting of the event was once again entrusted to the showgirl Angela Melillo. Guests of the various evenings were: the singers Luca Strappelli and the Little Tony Family; the comedian Enzo Emmanuello, the “Italian Barbie” Miryea Stabile.

The technical tests that the 55 finalists took were 4: photogenic and videogenic, skill, physicality and, lastly, poise and elegance. The jury, made up of personalities from the world of entertainment, fashion and journalism, as well as ship officials, voted on each individual test resulting in a general ranking which saw the competitor Laila Michelle obtain the coveted first place; second place for Matilde Camera from Tuscany and podium also for Anna Luisa Isernia from the Campania region.

The appointment is for the 2024 season, the 16th edition, which, according to rumors from the Competition management, will propose a super final cruise for mid-October. There will be many competitors and in the Regions the engines are already warming up to begin the local selections.

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